Downtown Saranac Lake
Downtown Saranac Lake
Saranac Lake is an authentically Adirondack and decidedly different community with deep ties to its historic past and abundant opportunities for the future. This is a place where a beautiful balance is struck: it’s a nature-lover’s paradise infused with bold ideas and quirky originality, all done in a way only Saranac Lakers can pull off. The Village has a distinct urban core, nestled among the picturesque Adirondack Mountains and Lake Flower, with a walkable downtown which offers a vibrant arts and cultural community, a variety of local businesses, shops and restaurants all with easy access to some of the most sought-after recreational resources in the Northeast.
A recipient of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) in 2018, the Village of Saranac Lake has been a leader of downtown revitalization in Franklin County. Its Main Street is vibrant and plans for redeveloping Church Street will result in added amenities, new places to explore and a stronger connection to the Saranac River.
- Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan
- Energize Downtown Fund
- New York Main Street Program
Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan
The Village of Saranac Lake first adopted its Local Waterfront Revitalization Program in 2012 and is currently working on a major update that includes identifying new waterfront-related policies and priority projects. FCEDC staff is assisting by serving on the waterfront advisory committee.
Energize Downtown Fund
This fund provided matching grant funds to commercial and mixed-use properties for transformational renovations in the Saranac Lake DRI target area. Property owners, business owners, entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations were eligible to apply for funds for interior and exterior building improvements, site upgrades and enhancements and commercial rent assistance.
- Grant Awarded: 2019
- Grant Award: $600,000
- Source of Funds: Saranac Lake Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI)
- Grant Status: Not accepting applications
New York Main Street Program
This program provided matching grant funds to commercial and mixed-use properties for transformational building renovations in downtown Saranac lake. Funds were used for façade renovations and interior residential or commercial renovations.
- Grant Awarded: 2018
- Grant Award: $500,000
- Source of Funds: New York Main Street Program (NYMS)
- Grant Status: Completed