A Thriving, Educated Workforce
A Thriving, Educated Workforce
Fueled by a strong K-12 system, Paul Smiths College, and a local community college, Franklin County’s workforce continues to thrive and provide an excellent talent pipeline for local companies. Over 31 percent of the population in Franklin County have an Associate’s degree or higher, while 19 percent of the population have a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Franklin County has an excess of educated and skilled labor that is being exported to the surrounding region that could be engaged locally. There are additional opportunities to import graduates from the region’s six state, community and private colleges within an hour drive such as Clarkson University, a national research university and proven leader in entrepreneurship, STEM technological education and sustainable economic development
Frontier Facts
Median Age
Population with Bachelor’s Degree or Higher
Women-Owned Businesses
Employed in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
- Colleges
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Fueling the Talent Pipeline
Paul Smith’s College, which recently received five awards from U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges rankings, offers diverse degree programs for students. North Country Community College has the programs and courses to fit your needs, whether you want to transfer to a four-year college or jump right into a career. Visit our Education page to learn more.
Full Demographics
Click here for more information on our demographic and population data.