Downtown Tupper Lake
Downtown Tupper Lake
Uptown and Junction
Tupper Lake is a four-season Adirondack destination attracting families, businesses and visitors looking for a unique place balancing nature and technology, history and progress, work and play. Unlike other downtowns in Franklin County, Tupper Lake boasts two traditional commercial districts – Uptown and the Junction. Uptown features historic Park Street, with many options for dining, a strong arts culture and regionally famous donuts! The Junction was built around the historic railroad and seamlessly connects to the Adirondack Rail Trail, Uptown Tupper Lake, and the community’s tourism destinations and recreational resources.
A recipient of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) in 2022, the Village of Tupper Lake has made great strides in revitalizing Uptown. The largest project is the Oval Wood Dish Factory redevelopment, which will result in 70 apartments with on-site tenant amenities including parking, fitness center, community space, outdoor garden and grills and include a first-floor commercial/retail space. The Junction has begun its own renewal as well, though there are still abundant redevelopment opportunities, with underutilized or vacant storefronts in historic structures ready for mixed-use residential development, former civic buildings in the process of adaptive reuse conversions, and vacant lots ready for infill.
- Tupper Lake Energize Uptown Fund
- Cloudsplitter Foundation Grant
- Hamlet Revitalization Program
- Adirondack Foundation Grant
- New York Main Street Program
Tupper Lake Energize Uptown Fund
This fund provides matching grant funds to commercial and mixed-use properties for transformational renovations in the Tupper Lake DRI target area. Property owners, business owners, and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for funds for interior and exterior building improvements, site enhancements and commercial machinery and equipment.
- Grant Awarded: 2022
- Grant Award:$600,000
- Source of Funds: Tupper Lake Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI)
- Grant Status: Accepting Applications
- Guidelines
- Application
Public Information session:
- January 31, 2024 @ 5PM
- Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkce 2qqj4sH9YijNPaT9bvkPt9e4p_ktY8
- February 29, 2024 @ 12PM
- Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpfuG vqDwvG90G4dyi2Oj9jNA2FKzrtk9o
Cloudsplitter Foundation Grant
This grant provided matching funds to supplement existing Tupper Lake Hamlet Revitalization Fund projects, funds for a streetscape study in the Junction and funds for renovations in the Tupper Lake Municipal Park.
- Grand Awarded: 2021
- Grant Award: $54,000
- Source of Funds: Cloudsplitter Foundation
- Grant Status: Not accepting applications
Hamlet Revitalization Program
This fund provided matching grant funds to commercial and mixed-use properties for transformational building renovations in the two traditional commercial districts of Tupper Lake – Uptown and the Junction. Funds were used for façade renovations, site improvements and Village streetscape enhancements.
- Grant Awarded: 2019
- Grant Award: $100,000
- Source of Funds: Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Adirondack Park Smart Growth Program
- Grant Status: Not accepting applications
Adirondack Foundation Grant
This grant provided matching funds to supplement existing New York Main Street Program-funded projects at 106 Park Street and 100 Park Street in Tupper Lake.
- Grand Awarded: 2019
- Grant Award: $22,000
- Source of Funds: Adirondack Foundation Fund for Tupper Lake
- Grant Status: Completed
New York Main Street Program
This program provided matching grant funds to commercial and mixed-use properties for transformational building renovations in uptown Tupper Lake. Funds were used for façade renovations and interior residential or commercial renovations.
- Grant Awarded: 2018
- Grant Award: $500,000
- Source of Funds: New York Main Street Program (NYMS)
- Grant Status: Completed